If you attempt fixing something that's not broken, you break it. You can't fix something that's not broken.

Im aware of that.so you are tryibg to tell me to set the max fps to 60 ? While I'm lucky enough to have the capability to run at 120 I still only set my games to run at 60ghz refresh rate.just cuz.I don't see reason to beat down and hammer on my monitor when games run super smooth and beautifully clear at 60FPS/Ghz. That said if your FPS reads over your monitors refresh rate you're in good shape. An FPS reading over your monitors refresh rate is a false reading. It is just not possible to get more frames than what your monitors refresh rate is. Some monitors are capable of 120ghz refresh rates, if yours is one of them even if your FPS reads above 120.you're only going to get 120FPS. Even though an FPS reading may be reading above 60, you're still only getting 60 because that's all most monitors are capable of due to the screen's refresh rate. The fact is that you will not get any more frames per second (FPS) than you're monitors refresh rate which is generally 60ghz on most monitors or HDTVs. Originally posted by LeighRoy Jenkins:This is a common misunderstanding / misinturpritation. People that argue and think differently are wrong, sorry to say.

This is a common misunderstanding / misinturpritation.