Like plantar warts, they can either grow alone or grow in a cluster, often looking like cauliflower.

Genital warts are a common, sexually transmitted condition of the HPV virus. It is usually best to seek the help of a dermatologist in plantar wart treatment. The small black dots (often called “seeds”) that appear on the plantar wart are clots in small blood vessels. They are also often painful or tender, especially when pressure is applied while walking or doing other activities while on your feet. You will know they are there by the hard, thickened skin above the wart. Plantar warts can grow in clusters and tend to be flat because the pressure on your feet causes the wart to grow inward. Plantar warts are caused by the same virus as common warts, but usually grow on the bottom of your feet, especially on the weight-bearing parts of your feet, such as your heel. People with compromised immune systems, like those with HIV, also have a higher likelihood of contracting the HPV virus and getting warts. Children are more likely to get warts because their immune system is still developing. Usually, common warts appear on your hands and fingers and are likely to be acquired if you bite your nails, which can damage the skin around your fingers.

You are more likely to get the virus if you have a cut on or damage to your skin, such as skin broken by a hangnail. The common wart is caused by a virus (human papillomavirus or HPV) and is spread by touch. They can also be dark or have a speckled appearance caused by small blood clots in the skin. The common wart is a benign (non cancerous), raised bump on your skin, often rough on the surface and flesh colored. There are a few types of warts, which include the common wart, the plantar wart, and genital warts. Discover 5 tips on how to remove a wart, including home remedies, treatments from a doctor, and tips to prevent the spread of new warts. The good news is that warts are easy to remove. Having a wart can be cause for feeling embarrassed and self-conscious, especially as warts on the hand, an area of your body that is hard to cover up.